Mark Polesky wrote Tuesday, December 21, 2010 5:12 AM

In texinfo:
 @cindex foo    -- add foo to the concept index
 @findex foo    -- add foo to the function index
 @kindex foo    -- add foo to the keystroke index
 @printindex cp -- print the concept index
 @printindex fn -- print the function index
 @printindex ky -- print the keystroke index

In Documentation/common-macros.itexi, @funindex is defined:
 @macro funindex {TEXT}
 @findex \TEXT\
 @kindex \TEXT\
 @end macro

The last two appendices of the NR are:
 E. LilyPond command index
 F. LilyPond index

In Documentation/notation.tely:
 @printindex ky -- makes appendix E. "command index"
 @printindex cp -- makes appendix F. "index"

There is some discussion of the rationale behind the
indices in

1) Everything marked with a @funindex in the docs ends up in
  *both* NR indices.  How and why do these items end up in
  appendix F?

@syncodeindex merges two indices.  This is called by
the @lilyTitlePage macro to place both f and v indices
into the c index.  This in turn is called in the .tely
file for each manual.

There is some discussion of the original rationale
behind the indices in

2) Why do we need @funindex?  Why don't we just use these:
    @printindex fn

I think it is to get round the vagaries of @syncodeindex.  See

Graham might remember ...


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