On Wed, Jan 05, 2011 at 11:11:26AM +0000, James wrote:
> Hello
> On 05/01/2011 10:36, Alexander Kobel wrote:
> >>I've mused about trying to create a logo using the markup
> >>commands.  If you think about all the graphical ones, plus music
> >>glyphs, there's a lot of options.  The "d" could be a rotated bass
> >>clef, the ls could be compressed treble clefs, the p could be a
> >>half note, etc.
> >
> >I tend not to like those assembled logos very much.  Most of the time,
> >they end up too clumsy IMHO; more like something quickly hacked
> >together, just for the sake of quoting musical symbols.
> Everything in its place, but I think for this case I'd agree.

It needn't use any music glyphs if the artist(s) don't like it.  I
mean, the \LaTeX command is basically just letters in different
fonts that are positioned slightly higher or lower than the
baseline.  And in italics.  etc.

We could play those games with our own markup commands.

- Graham

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