Oops, forgot to cc to the list...

2011/6/10 Janek Warchoł <lemniskata.bernoull...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/6/10 Marc Hohl <m...@hohlart.de>
>> Am 10.06.2011 13:43, schrieb Janek Warchoł:
>>> [...]
>>> Unfortunately i still don't know how to extract the information about
>>> black_notehead_width. It should be made some kind of a global
>>> variable, but the main problem is that its value is not specified
>>> explicitely, but it's a result of a drawing operation.
>>> I searched for metafont resources on the web, but they seem to be very
>>> limited. I found http://metafont.tutorial.free.fr/, but it's about
>>> drawing operations, not structural problems. There also seems to be no
>>> active forum about it...
>>> Han-Wen, Werner, Keith, Marc - IIRC you are the people who work with
>>> fonts. Do you know how to do this and if it's possible at all?
>> Perhaps my answer is too simple, but mf/feta-generic.mf says:
>> %% this is a fallback so we can run the font without including 
>> feta-noteheads.
>> black_notehead_width# := 1.0 staff_space#;
>> and the same holds for mf/feta-noteheads-generic.mf. Does that work for you?
> Nope. This is only a dummy value, put there so that other functions
> using black_notehead_width don't complain. When compiled with this
> value, the result is squished flags:
> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/829/screenshotpxx.png/
> Of course i can write a more appropriate value there (notehead is
> approximately 1.315 ss wide), but such hardcoding is bad.
> thanks,
> Janek
> PS perhaps it would be a good idea to write in the comment that this
> is a dummy value. I was fooled by it like you at the beginning :)

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