On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 06:04:41PM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Percival"
> <gra...@percival-music.ca>
> >No.  fixcc.py will emacs 23.1.1 to be installed.  People with an

should be "will need"

> Lily Ubuntu... My version doesn't appear to have emacs.

Interesting, but only as a curiosity.  I expected that we'd need
to make a new lilydev regardless of whichever tool(s) we chose for
C++ indentation.

We're already looking at a new lilydev to get fontforge.  It
doesn't look like ghostscript 9.0 is happening before 2.16, so
that's not an issue... once the C++ formatting is resolved, we'll
take a quick look at anything else that needs to change in
lilydev, then get working on the next one.

I'm envisioning having lildev 2.0 in mid-July / early August, and
giving people until the end of August to upgrade.  fontforge
20110222 would become required right at the end of August, which
will require people to either install it themselves, or use
lilydev 2.0.

> Or would occasional producers of C++ code not use the
> auto indent system and get someone else to do it?

I don't think it's the end of the world if we have a few C++ files
with incorrect formatting.  A patch might be rejected because of
it, requiring the submitter (or their mentor) to be fix it (either
manually or with the tool), but if something slips through
regardless, I'll catch it when I auto-format the entire git repo
ever week or so.

- Graham

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