On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 10:45:09PM -0700, Keith OHara wrote:
> Some indentation is off because fix-astyle-fiddle removes spaces
> after indentation.

Really?  I thought the two post-processing rules in
fix-astyle-fiddle.py improved the formatting.  If they don't, we
can certainly remove them.

> (fixcc.py does *pre*-processing to tweak the
> spacing, then asks emacs to indent.)  Also, astyle changes less
> than fixcc.py, so variability in the original files show up on
> the astyle side in the diff.

Good points.

> There might be other astyle options to resolve whatever made you
> leery; I didn't find anything leerifying.
> Too bad that astyle doesn't do the "foo ((void *)bar)" quite
> right.

Ok, by "leery" I guess I mean "I'm not comfortable arguing that
astyle's output is not inferior to fixcc.py".

> I notice that fixcc.py :
> 4) Moves the '=' to the second line if there was a linebreak
> (ambitus-engraver.cc : 158) Grob *thingy = lengthy_initializer
> ();

Yes.  I'm not certain which way is superior.

> 5) Spaces out templates in odd ways(flower/include/std-vector.hh
> : 81) template < typename T> This is probably a regexp problem

oh, I just assumed it was a weird Dutch tradition.  :)

- Graham

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