On 11-07-02 05:52 PM, percival.music...@gmail.com wrote:
On 2011/07/02 23:47:32, J_lowe wrote:
Can't see a tracker for this, and not sure a reg test is appropriate
:) but did
one all the same..no problems.

I don't think we need a tracker for this particular patch; I think
Reinhold should push it whenever he thinks it's ready, since this isn't
going to disrupt anything else.


I'd suggest we *do* create a tracker item, even if Reinhold pushes immediately, so that we can work toward one source "of record" for all changes and enhancements. As it is, there are a an unknown number of things added or done to lilypond, leaving no trace except in git blame or its relatives. Using the tracker, while it may seem overkill to the senior devs, at least gives us a searchable database which can be tied, if only manually, to Reitveld. If the outstanding request on Reitveld, to allow searching by project, were to be implemented, life could be different. If we had our own instance of Reitveld, we could de jure limit it to lilypond. If wishes were fishes . . . Long one short, by linking every Reitveld patch to a tracker item, we have an easily searchable list of all our activities, with somewhat less likelihood of duplicated effort and much better review of agbe and status.


The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.
-- Mark Twain

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