On Sun, Jul 03, 2011 at 03:45:09PM -0600, Colin Campbell wrote:
> Given the above, perhaps it would be wise to defer any formal Patch
> Meister role until we have decided how (and if) patches are to be
> recorded.  I can carry on with keeping an eye on the tracker, but
> anything else would require either manually logging postings on
> -devel or periodic manual scans of each (known) developer's patches
> on Reitveld.

What about discussing this sooner rather than later?  Next
wednesday is already marked for Phil's "build system output":
but we could begin the patch handling discussion on 13 July.

That's only 2 days after I return to Canada, so I'm not likely to
have a good proposal ready.  Could you write one?  Phil wrote his
build system proposal; it would be great if you could write a
similar one for patch handling.

Remarks from the CG:
  Patch review tool: Reitveld is inconvenient in some respects: it
  requires a google account, and there’s no way to see all patches
  relating to lilypond. Should we switch to something like

(prep: 5 hours. discuss: 15 hours)

More elabortation:
- what are the "patch review" frameworks out there?
- how well do they support git?  automatically tracking patches?
  ease of making reviews?  etc.
- what kind of manual administration is required for each tool?
- what policies should we have?  what should/must developers do?
  what should/must reviewers do?  what else is there left to do?

- Graham

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