On Di.,   5. Jul. 2011 00:30:52 CEST, pkx1...@gmail.com wrote:

> On 2011/07/04 12:17:46, Reinhold wrote:
> > On 2011/07/04 00:18:07, J_lowe wrote:
> > > Hello, I get an error when I try to make:
> > That's fixed now.
> Make succeeds, and reg tests look ok, but there is one note in one of
> the .ly files that the reg test threw up that may or may not be
> significant.
> +../../input/regression/mozart-hrn3-allegro.ily:129:17: warning: Already
> have slur
> +     \longgrace d16
> +                                 ( \endlonggrace

That warning is okay (it was a bug that the warning wasn't shown so far), it 
really uses two nested slurs (one normal and another one for the grace)
However, that whole code is really strange:

        d2( ~  d8[ e16 d] \grace {
  \override Stem   #'stroke-style = #"grace"
   \longgrace d16( \endlonggrace 
  \revert Stem #'stroke-style }
  %% todo: should insert grace slur here.
         c8[ b16  c)]

longgrace = \override Stem  #'stroke-style = #'()
endlonggrace = \revert Stem #'stroke-style

So, the first override and revert dosn't have any effect... I suppose those 
grace notes should really use appoggiatura / acciaccatura. AFAICS, that file is 
from mutopia an almost 10 years old, so it was never properly updated to new 


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