On Jul 18, 2011, at 9:53 PM, n.putt...@gmail.com wrote:

> Even simpler: remove the Y-extent default, add Stem_tremolo::pure_height
> and an entry in pure-print-to-height-conversions (since
> ly:grob::stencil-height is the same as getting the non-pure extent from
> the translated stencil).
> http://codereview.appspot.com/4754054/

Hey Neil,

After making several round-trips around the source this morning, I can't put 
off composition any longer, but I fear that all I will compose today are songs 
about the Axis_group_interface if I don't understand how this works.
I believe that line 80 of note-spacing.cc is where the two skylines for the two 
note columns are calculated.  How, by adding a pure-height to the Stem_tremolo, 
does the Stem_tremolo make its way into this skyline?  And, if it doesn't make 
its way into this skyline, how is it taken into account during horizontal 

Sorry for the many questions - usually I can grok these things on my own, but 
this is proving to be elusive (as are all things having to do with `pure' in 
LilyPond, which I understand in only the most fleeting and obtuse way).


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