> However, I have failed and still fail to see where the lilypond
> internals printed with --verbose can be helpful in any way during
> the docs build. Those verbose debug messages are useful for
> debugging a lilypond bug.


> However, in the docs build, we are not interested in how lilypond
> works internally, but rather where a doc build fails due to bad
> input in a .ly or .tely file.

I suggest a different route: Normally, after an error message has been
emitted, a developer wants to debug the problem.  In most cases, the
problem is with the lilypond binary itself, so it would be most
convenient if there is an easy way to find out how to call lilypond
exactly.  Currently, lilypond-book hides this very effectively, or the
calling command is mentioned 100000 lines above in the log file...

What about reducing the verbosity as much as possible, but make
lilypond-book emit something like:

   Error `foo' encountered while processing file `file-XXX'!
   lilypond's error message: blablabla
   The used command line was

      FOO=bar lilypond --pdf -d... -d... file-XXX.ly

   A command line to debug the problem can be found in file

if an error is happening?


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