On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 06:38:53PM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Reinhold Kainhofer"
> <reinh...@kainhofer.com>
> >Yes, that would be *extremely* helpful (not only for the lilypond
> >documentation, but also to other lilypond-book users). The only
> >question is:
> >who will implement it? ;-)
> This is the sort of thing I'm looking at, once the discussion about
> what is needed is complete.

I want to emphasize this point.

We have somebody willing to work on this stuff.  But I don't want
him to spend 10 hours preparing a patch to do XYZ, only to have
somebody say "no, we shouldn't XYZ at all!".

Of course reviewers will discover technical flaws; that's
expected.  But I don't want reviewers to disagree about the
general principles underlying this work.  If I encouraged him to
work on this stuff without some level of certainty that his work
would be well received, I would fail horribly as a mentor.

My proposed guidelines for our "ideal" build system (at least,
"ideal" without a massive rewrite), is here:

Leaving aside technical implementation details, are there any
problems with those guidelines?  If you disagree with a point (and
if I have not convinced you that you should accept the proposal),
please speak up.  If you would like to add a point, please speak
up.  This policy discussion has been dragging on for almost a
month, and while that's happening we have a skilled contributor
sitting on his thumbs.

- Graham

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