Get my github lilypond-extra repository:

then look at:
follow the instructions to set up your ramdisk (700 megs or 2048
megs, depending on whether you want to bother with the docs or
not), then run it:
  python auto-compile/

It automatically keeps track of the last "known good" compile, so
if it ever fails, you know that somebody did something naughty
since the last time you ran it.  No guessing about "well, I think
I compiled it last night at around 10pm, but it wasn't a
completely clean build, so maybe it happened before then but it
didn't recompile that or xyz".

NB: you need your $LILYPOND_GIT environment variable set up before
you run this.  In bash, do:
  export LILYPOND_GIT = $HOME/lilypond-git/
assuming that's the right dir.  I highly recommend putting that
line in your .bashrc

I'm thinking about setting my computer to run this automatically
every day (without the doc-build), but does somebody with a fast
computer want to do this every 12 hours instead?

- Graham

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