Am Friday, 23. September 2011, 01:12:13 schrieben Sie:
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 01:03:08AM +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> > FWIW, I'm rebuilding binaries and docs from scratch every night on my
> > office machine to create the docs on, so
> > we already have some kind of daily compilation check...
> However,
> - you're not building them from scratch

I am. I nuke the build dir before each build.

> - you don't keep a record of which commits could build


> - AFAIK you don't check the logs daily -- at least, I haven't seen
>   you emailing -devel saying "somebody broke git master between
>   ab12345 and ef6787"

If a build fails, I get a mail from the cronjob (which contains also the ~200 
last output lines from make). However, since the error message is usually 
buried in thousands of lines of make commands and debug output, I usually 
don't bother to even try to find the error message.

> If somebody breaks git master, I don't want anybody to find out
> because their build failed.  I want an automatic script to
> discover the failing, and tell me BEFORE I try to do any work.
> Granted, there's a trade-off between compiling every single commit
> vs. available computer power, but I still wish that nobody was
> ever surprised that git master failed to compile.

Sure, I understand this - and I certainly like it. I just wanted to point out 
that I'm already doing automated nightly builds, although detecting build 
failures is not the main purpose, but rather a byproduct.

> This script is also the first step towards an automatic
> dev/staging branch, but I want the basics tested before I move
> ahead to work on that stuff.

I haven't looked at it, but Jenkins ( is about 
continuous integration (i.e. automated builds to detect build failures or 
regtest failures). It might be overkill for us, but still, there are solutions 
for exactly this task.


Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

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