> Now, what is better between '--' and '\-': '--' stands for an en
> dash in many languages.  I proposed to use it in the list of special
> characters I just pushed, but we decided to use – instead,
> because '--' already stands for hyphenation in the lyrics.  As Janek
> said, if we want to make hyphenation in the markups, the syntax must
> be the closest possible.  And I really don't want to change the
> lyric hyphen for '\-'.  Typesetting lyrics with '--' is much faster,
> especially on a french keyboard.  '\-' can't easily work in lyrics,
> because of the '\'. It is an escaped character that defines a
> musical or markup command and must be followed by a letters, not '-'
> or anything else.

I really, really dislike `--' within a textual environment.  Remember
that you aren't going to enter such a soft hyphen character very often
since it is necessary only in the cases where (yet-to-be-implemented)
automatic hyphenation fails or gives unsatisfying results.

On German keyboards, `\-' is nasty to type also, but LilyPond is full
of backslashes, so I consider your rationale as not very convincing.
Additionally, all text editors provide search-and-replace
functionality, so any other character can be used as well first which
then gets replaced by `\-'.

If at all, please use a more decent, *single* character instead of
`--'.  What about `='?  Not that I'm very happy with it, but...  Then
we could also add `|' to inhibit ligatures (which is quite important
in German):



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