2012/1/4 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
>>> \settingsFrom is actually returning a Scheme expression for \with to
>>> use.  It makes things rather simpler than more complex, even though it
>>> constitutes a Scheme expression.
>> Um... i would really love to be able to type
>>  \layout {
>>      \compressFullBarRests
>>      \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'common-shortest-duration =
>> #(ly:make-moment 6 10)
>>      etc...
>> }
> Well, create a layout modification type, let \layout accept Scheme
> expressions of that type, write a Scheme function \layout-from in
> analogue to \settingsFrom, and it becomes
> \layout {
>   \layout-from { \compressFullBarRests
>     \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'common-shortest-duration =
>     #(ly:make-moment 6 10)
>   }
>   etc...
> }

ok...  However - i'm very sorry to say this :/ - it would be better if
i wouldn't have to type \layout-from at all.  I know that it's not
much typing, and that \layout-from is an improvement, but from the
end-user perspective it's in fact PITA: when use \layout, when
\layout-from?  :(  Again, i'm very sorry beacause from the
programmer's perspective it's nothing, but for simple users
understanding what \layout does is hard enough; in fact it would be
nice to get rid of it but that's impossible.
You know, i pretend to be a really dumb user.  And i want to enter
notes, not some \overridden << \layoutish ##Scheme## >> :( :( :(
LilyPond will have a chance of winning large audiences when all input
that is needed to create a full Messiah score will be sth like:

\version x.x.x

\header { ... }
\movement = "Sinfony" {
    violin = { (notes) }
\movement = "Comfort ye" {



>>> Scheme is not hard.  Programming is hard.
> And sane program design is, apparently, even harder.  People _don't_
> _ever_ think about improving things.  Instead they hobble along in
> whatever clunky way they see others doing, complaining how clunky it is,
> and likely making it much clunkier by bending it to situations fitting
> even worse than what they have seen.

Have you looked at my patches and if so, does any of them do this?

2012/1/4 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> "layout-from" =
> #(define-void-function (parser location music)
>   (ly:music?)
>   (_i "To be used in output definitions.  Take the layout instruction
> events from @var{music} and do the equivalent of context modifications
> duplicating their effect.")
>   (define (musicop m mods)
>     (if (music-is-of-type? m 'layout-instruction-event)
>         (ly:add-context-mod
>          mods
>          (case (ly:music-property m 'name)
>            ((PropertySet)
>             (list 'assign
>                   (ly:music-property m 'symbol)
>                   (ly:music-property m 'value)))
>            ((PropertyUnset)
>             (list 'unset
>                   (ly:music-property m 'symbol)))
>            ((OverrideProperty)
>             (list 'push
>                   (ly:music-property m 'symbol)
>                   (ly:music-property m 'grob-property-path)
>                   (ly:music-property m 'grob-value)))
>            ((RevertProperty)
>             (list 'pop
>                   (ly:music-property m 'symbol)
>                   (ly:music-property m 'grob-property-path)))))
>         (case (ly:music-property m 'name)
>             ((SequentialMusic SimultaneousMusic)
>              (for-each (lambda (x)
>                          (musicop x mods))
>                        (ly:music-property m 'elements)))
>             ((ContextSpeccedMusic)
>              (module-set! (current-module)
>                           (ly:music-property m 'context-type)
>                           #{ \context { $(module-ref (current-module)
>                                                      (ly:music-property m 
> 'context-type))
>                                         $(musicop (ly:music-property m 
> 'element)
>                                                   (ly:make-context-mod))
>                                         } #}))))
>     mods)
>   (musicop music (ly:make-context-mod)))
> It is a bit wonky, but should work for most purposes.
> At least it works with
>    \layout-from \accidentalStyle "dodecaphonic"
> and with the above example.

Wow, thanks!  I hope that i understand what it does and that i'll be
able to use it :)


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