On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:20 AM, Janek Warchoł wrote:

> Correct me if i'm wrong, but my impression is that
> there is no particular direction in which we are going.

I think that it is very difficult to set these goals because different things 
interest different people.  I know that Bertrand and I are chipping away at a 
long standing markup-improvement goal, and I'd like to get smoother 
2D-object-on-the-plane-distance handling, and there's my dream of implementing 
some sort of mixed-integer-quadratic-programming engine in LilyPond (I did some 
tests with quantizing quadratic functions using linear functions, but it 
generates at least 105600000000 variables for a 500-measure score with 33 
columns per measure and normal line widths quantized at horizontal intervals of 

I'm sure that other people have their pet projects as well.  The ensemble of 
these projects is the "direction" of LilyPond, and I don't see why it would 
need more of a direction that that.  In fact, I think that it is because of 
some sorta unified direction that for-profit programs can often miss out on 
adding experimental or innovative features.

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