On Tue, 10 Jan 2012 13:28:46 +0000, d...@gnu.org wrote:
On 2012/01/10 13:18:03, dak wrote:
On 2012/01/10 12:59:21, Reinhold wrote:
> From a lazy user's POV, I don't like that I now have to use \default
> auto-numbering (which is th typical case)...

It is the same as with \mark (we don't have \autoMark either).  One
consider moving the footnote mark argument to last position

Actually, one could juggle the order of arguments around such that the
optional arguments can't be confused with the next argument.  Like
putting the footnote mark first, position next, Grob spec next, footnote
text last.  In that manner, you could leave off either Grob spec or
footnote mark without needing to say \default. And even if one writes
\default for autonumbering, having it directly after the command will
look more like \mark.

This is a good idea - I should have done it this way from the get-go, but I had no clue about the whats/whys/wheres of \default.

Is there any chance that this type of change could be written as a smart convert-ly rule? Assuming that people don't use # for purposes other than indicating Scheme arguments in their footnote making, scanning a string for "#" should show where the arguments are and then they can be swapped around.


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