In order to reduce our bus factor[1] -- especially considering the
distinctly non-zero possibility that I'll be gone at the end of
March -- somebody else needs to run the Patchy staging-merge
script.  To make this more presssing, I am refusing to run this
script myself after 29 Jan 2012.


Note that there are three separate issues here:

1. more people need to know how to run the script.
  (it's not hard; far easier than setting up apache)
2. it would be good to have something in the CG about Patchy.
3. somebody needs to set up a cronjob to run it regularly
  (I suggest every 12 hours).

We do not need to have one person doing all three tasks.

I am willing to continue running the new patch tests for a bit
longer.  (probably 1 or 2 weeks after the deadline for

- Graham

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