On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 01:08:21PM +0100, m...@apollinemike.com wrote:
> >2. it would be good to have something in the CG about Patchy.
> ...you can do this.

I have 3.5 hours remaining until Jan 29.  Given how often we have
emergencies come up, I think I need to reserve my time for those.
If nothing horrible happens this week, I could start writing
something for the CG next Sunday.
(which is too late, obviously)

Have you actually *tried* running staging?  Patchy should print a
message saying "I'm copying my default config file to
~/.lilypond-patchy-config-or-something-like-that, you might want
to edit a few variables".  If you don't ctrl-c and edit that file,
it'll probably fail after a few more seconds because I doubt your
filesystem is set up the way I have mine... but still, editing
that file is not hard.

If you've tried those steps, and got stuck somewhere, I'm happy to
point out what assumption(s) I made or clear up misunderstandings.
But I really don't think you'll run into any major problems.

> I also think that Patchy needs to be part of the LilyPond source.

Too much hassle.  Which directory?  why include patchy but not
XYZ?  do we need official countdowns for patches for it?  etc.
Let's just leave it in github for now.  It can always be moved
later, but that's not a priority.

- Graham

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