----- Original Message ----- From: "Julien Rioux" <julien.ri...@gmail.com>
To: "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net>
Yes, the DEPTH=... confuses bash, so eval is needed. Please try
something like the attached though. It removes all the exec stuff and
will be much easier to understand for future contributors. The exec
stuff is needed only for complex redirection, for example if you
wanted stderr to appear both on the terminal and in the log file. But
currently we just redirect both stdout and stderr to the log file, and
this scenario does not need complex exec stuff.


eval $1 >& $2


./new-run-check.sh: 2: Syntax error: Bad fd number - finger trouble on the redirect. eval $1 &> $2 simply doesn't redirect the output - it appears on the terminal and no logfile is created. I spent quite a long time a few weeks ago getting this to work and was surprised it didn't, but convinced myself that the way I arrived at is pretty much the only solution. I understand what you say about maintainability, but I've commented it quite a bit and the script could just be removed if it was too confusing, so I'm not convinced it's worth too much time repeating what I did earlier to try to get this to work.

Phil Holmes

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