On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 02:28:21PM +0200, Federico Bruni wrote:
> 2012/4/24 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:
> >> 2) ask the LSR author to add the possibility to insert translated
> >> titles and descriptions (the website itself could benefit from this,
> >> since it may enable language negotiation). But managing the updates
> >> may be a problem..
> >
> > You'd be asking him to do about 30 hours of unpaid work.
> Yes, I'm aware of it. There's nothing to lose in asking politely for a
> new feature.

You're right.  Ok, go ahead and ask Sebastiano if he would be
interested in adding multi-language support to LSR, where the
alternate languages would be output in texidoc strings inside the
.ly file.

For bonus points, ask him in Italian.  :)

> I want the documentation to look exactly the same as it does right now.
> And most of all I'd like the documentation maintainance for
> translators to be not buggy like it is now.
> Python is the only requirement for this task, right?

Python, make, maybe texinfo, maybe stepmake, etc.  Depends on
exactly what you're trying to do.

> I'm trying to learn Python and I'd like to contribute to some frog
> tasks requiring python (I've starred some frog issues in the tracker).
> Probably this is too much difficult for a newbie.

Actually, I've got a good suggestion on how you could get started
with python and all this stuff.

Currently, makelsr.py adds different amounts of blank lines to
some .ly files depending on whether you run it as a full import
vs. when you run it locally.  It would be nice if that didn't
happen.  i.e. if you ran

  makelsr.py lsr-downloaded-today-date/
once, then did:
  makelsr.py lsr-downloaded-today-date/
... etc...
it shouldn't change between after each makelsr.py

As far as this type of build system stuff goes, this is a pretty
easy task.  But if you're beginning python now, I'd expect it to
take 5-10 hours for you to fix.  On the plus side, once you've
done this you'll understand the current system much better.

- Graham

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