----- Original Message ----- From: "John Mandereau" <john.mander...@gmail.com>
To: "Jean-Charles Malahieude" <lily...@orange.fr>
Cc: "Phil Holmes" <em...@philholmes.net>; "Devel" <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: LSR updates and translations

Il giorno mer, 20/06/2012 alle 19.40 +0200, Jean-Charles Malahieude ha
Just a nitpick: since info files are built during the "make" phase, it
might be more judicious to attach "make snippets" to this phase.

Oh, that's right, I forgot about those Info files without images; in
make language, both `info' and `doc' make targets should depend on
`snippets', and if it appears that running makelsr without calling
lilypond is still slow, `doc' should explicitly use whatever
$(top-build-dir)/out/snippets should be (rather than
$(op-build-dir)/$(outdir)/snippets) in order to avoid calling makelsr
twice when you run in sequence make and `make doc'.


I think the major challenge for me in changing the way the snippets are managed will be updating the various makefiles so that all the dependencies of the snippets are built from the new directory in /build rather than the old one in /Documents. If anyone with build knowledge could give me a few pointers as to how to approach this, I would be grateful.

Phil Holmes

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