On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 12:31:45PM +0100, Phil Holmes wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Percival"
> <gra...@percival-music.ca>
> To: "Phil Holmes" <em...@philholmes.net>
> Cc: "Devel" <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 7:47 PM
> Subject: Re: LSR updates and translations
> >Minor note: IIRC such a directory already exists, so you may need
> >to give it a different name, or play some other games with the
> >build system.  Similarly, while working on this new system, it
> >might be easier to give it a different name to avoid conflicts
> >with the existing Documentation/snippets/.  I mean, sure, ideally
> >you could change everything at once and have no oddities with the
> >"old" snippets and the "new" snippets, but I would personally be
> >quite leery of attempting such a thing.
> Yes, that directory exists.  Good point.  perhaps the best name
> would be /build/Documentation/snippet-src?

If you're going to rename stuff, I strongly suggest a bigger
rename or you're asking for trouble.  I suggest
Documentation/lsr/ ?  and Documentation/lsr/new/ ?  and then the
corresponding /build/ dirs will be created.

> >How do you deal with new snippets (which cannot run on the current
> >LSR), and most awkwardly, *updated* snippets (which the LSR
> >version works fine in the previous stable version, but the syntax
> >has changed in a non-convert-ly-able manner and requires a
> >manually-updated version) ?
> The same way - with a snippets/new list, where these over-write the
> snippets from the tarball.  We may need to consider some other name
> changes here. Clearly the simplest way to create an updated
> git/Documentation/snippets directory is a simple delete of the old
> one, and a copy of the docs snippet tarball over to
> git/Documentation/snippets.  However, this would also wipe out
> git/Documentation/snippets/new, which would be a Bad Thing.  What
> about an empty directory called git/Documentation/snippets, one with
> updated non-LSR-runnable snippets called
> git/Documentation/snippets/new, and one with the snippets from the
> tarball in called git/Documentation/snippet-src?

Sorry, I didn't follow that.

My vague sense from the emails is that John and Julien are
interested in helping to do this work, but nobody feels quite
certain about exactly what's being proposed.  Could you write a
new email (possibly with copious copy&pastes) with the latest
proposal, using new directory names for the new version (to lessen
confusion) ?  We don't need to go over the motivation for this
work; just the actual details of the work, with whatever tweaks
you think are good based on the past week of emails.

- Graham

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