On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 3:36 PM, m...@apollinemike.com
<m...@apollinemike.com> wrote:
>> No idea when i'll have time to finish Tie Report, but as tie shapes
>> are screwed in general, i wouldn't care much about this change.  New
>> shape isn't worse than previous one, i'd say.
> I think that there's supposed to be a bit of space in there, no?  What does 
> Gould say?

Definitely, current output is wrong.  But as i said, i'm not sure if
it's worth bothering as ties are screwed in general.

> What's important is to figure out why this change is happening.  As ties only 
> ever use Skylines made from boxes (and not from stencil integrals), there 
> must be some weird subtlety about spacing somewhere (or perhaps the new 
> Skyline code) that is causing this.

Indeed, whatever the output is it shouldn't change because of new skylines.

>> Hmm.  I have another idea, which would be more difficult but also
>> extremely awesome, and it would be very handy for area spacing (see
>> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2012-03/msg00507.html):
>> make the skyline shape "magnetic".  See illustration here:
>> http://lilypond-stuff.1065243.n5.nabble.com/file/n5705595/magnetic_skylines_demo.pdf
>> What do you think?
> It wouldn't be too bad from a coding perspective. The function deholify 
> already does this for single skylines: try the skyline of a large font-size 
> string "f   _   f" or something like that and the holes should be plugged 
> with a sloped building.
> When there are multiple grobs involved, what becomes tricky is knowing which 
> ones should allow for snug-fitting and which ones not.  I think that, as time 
> goes on, we'll realize where the snug spacing is too close and will modify it 
> w/ padding values.

Do you mean that padding should influence skylines' "magnetism"?
Something like this:
(i.e. there would be only one setting, which would affect both the
padding and magnetism of the skylines)?
I think it might be a good idea.


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