On 4 juil. 2012, at 21:58, Janek Warchoł wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 3:36 PM, m...@apollinemike.com
> <m...@apollinemike.com> wrote:
>>> No idea when i'll have time to finish Tie Report, but as tie shapes
>>> are screwed in general, i wouldn't care much about this change.  New
>>> shape isn't worse than previous one, i'd say.
>> I think that there's supposed to be a bit of space in there, no?  What does 
>> Gould say?
> Definitely, current output is wrong.  But as i said, i'm not sure if
> it's worth bothering as ties are screwed in general.
>> What's important is to figure out why this change is happening.  As ties 
>> only ever use Skylines made from boxes (and not from stencil integrals), 
>> there must be some weird subtlety about spacing somewhere (or perhaps the 
>> new Skyline code) that is causing this.
> Indeed, whatever the output is it shouldn't change because of new skylines.
>>> Hmm.  I have another idea, which would be more difficult but also
>>> extremely awesome, and it would be very handy for area spacing (see
>>> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2012-03/msg00507.html):
>>> make the skyline shape "magnetic".  See illustration here:
>>> http://lilypond-stuff.1065243.n5.nabble.com/file/n5705595/magnetic_skylines_demo.pdf
>>> What do you think?
>> It wouldn't be too bad from a coding perspective. The function deholify 
>> already does this for single skylines: try the skyline of a large font-size 
>> string "f   _   f" or something like that and the holes should be plugged 
>> with a sloped building.
>> When there are multiple grobs involved, what becomes tricky is knowing which 
>> ones should allow for snug-fitting and which ones not.  I think that, as 
>> time goes on, we'll realize where the snug spacing is too close and will 
>> modify it w/ padding values.
> Do you mean that padding should influence skylines' "magnetism"?
> Something like this:
> http://lilypond-stuff.1065243.n5.nabble.com/file/n5705597/magnetic_skylines_-_padding.pdf
> (i.e. there would be only one setting, which would affect both the
> padding and magnetism of the skylines)?
> I think it might be a good idea.
> cheers,
> Janek

Hey all,

New patch set up that fixes all of the problems Janek pointed out and the major 
problem Keith pointed out.  If any of the minor ones still exist in any of your 
scores, lemme know.  Minimal examples help!

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