David Kastrup writes:

>> Maybe the time has finally come to drop convert-ly and implement and
>> fully supported conversions using LilyPond on music stream level.
> You still need a parser of the appropriate version at the front end.

We have perfectly fine ly parsers of each available version available in
executable form from lilypond.org.  What we do not yet have, is a handy
or integrated way of dumping the music tree with the original binary
[read: a nice web service -- this could possibly be integrated with a
mutopia revival, I'll be looking into this] reading the music tree with
the current version and a perfect ly-dump function.  Eg, I think we may
want to preserve %-comments in the music tree, or other stuff the user
does not want to lose?


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond http://lilypond.org
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