Graham Percival <> writes:

> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 07:29:35AM +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Graham Percival <> writes:
>> > With that view (which is evidently not universal), it seems natural to
>> > me to write the pitch and duration first, and then all the other
>> > "special bits" that occur on or around that note.
>> Like c\clef "treble"\time 3/2 ?
> No, because the clef and time signature comes before the first
> note.

How about \tempo?  That comes _at_ the first note.

> All other things equal, horizontally left notation in a score should
> be horizontally left in a .ly file.

You mean, when collision avoidance shifts fingerings left, those should
be written before the note?

> Above, I'm talking about reading a series of events which are aligned
> vertically at the same horizontal position.

So what's with \tempo?

David Kastrup

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