Am 26.09.2012 14:45, schrieb Thomas Morley:
Hi Marc,

an idea, don't know if it's really helpful:

>From 2.16.0-bar-line.scm, bar-glyph-alist:
The old definition of  bar "empty" was: ("empty" . (() . ()))
The old definition of  bar "" was: ("" . ("" . ""))
With regard to that, I have to make a distinction between
"" and '() in the new bar line interface.

What do you think would be better: using a symbol instead of '(),
so one can write

\defineBarLine "|" "|" 'none "|"

or using #f instead:

\defineBarLine "|" "|" #f "|"

or finally defining an "empty stencil" glyph:

\defineBarLine "|" "|" "x" "|"

(note that "" is not the same as "x", as Harm explained; "" draws a stencil with
zero width, "X" would draw *no* stencil at all).

I think I'll go for the second option, but lemme know what you think about it!



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