On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 7:46 PM, Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net> wrote:
> Well, in the current version of the NR, the guidance for changing the breath
> sign is:
> \override BreathingSign #'text = \markup {\musicglyph
> #"scripts.caesura.straight"}

Hmm.  I wouldn't do it this way, it feels not Lilypondish to me (e.g.
a dedicated command is easier to maintain - you can redefine it if
necessary and there are no compatibility problems).  But this is just
my opinion (may be worth discussing separately though, as part of
I don't insist on moving the baseline; discussing this further seems
to be unproductive, so let's do it your way :)

thanks for your work and your patience!

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