
again i have some objections on wording.  Let me assure you that i don't
intend to pick on you!  Your patches receive so much of my attention
(a) i understand them (not always the case with David's patches for
(b) they're usually just the correct size to make a good review.

thanks for your work! :)

PS i dedicate all my code reviews to Graham Percival, especially the
documentation ones.
File Documentation/notation/pitches.itely (right):
Documentation/notation/pitches.itely:1156: Optional octavation can be
obtained by enclosing the numeric
I don't quite understand this "optional" thing. (maybe i don't
understand this notation correctly at all?)

I suppose that a parenthesized clef octavation doesn't mean that the
octavation is optional (that is, it doesn't mean "you may choose to play
it in this octave or another, whatever pleases you most").  I suppose
that a parenthesized clef octavation means that it's just a reminder, or
that the octavation number is editorial.

For example, when i see a tenor part with \clef "treble_[8]", i would
interpret this as "the original edition had the tenor part written in
\clef "treble", but obviously the composer didn't mean it to be sung in
sopranos octave, so here's a bracketed octavation to assure the reader
that this part is not some crazy composer weirdness".

If that's correct, i think the description should be reworded, avoiding
the word "optional" altogether.


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