Am 08.11.2012 10:32, schrieb Marc Hohl:
Hi Janek,

Am 08.11.2012 09:22, schrieb

again i have some objections on wording. Let me assure you that i don't
intend to pick on you!
Your patches receive so much of my attention
(a) i understand them (not always the case with David's patches for
(b) they're usually just the correct size to make a good review.

thanks for your work! :)

PS i dedicate all my code reviews to Graham Percival, especially the
documentation ones.
File Documentation/notation/pitches.itely (right):
Documentation/notation/pitches.itely:1156: Optional octavation can be
obtained by enclosing the numeric
I don't quite understand this "optional" thing. (maybe i don't
understand this notation correctly at all?)

I suppose that a parenthesized clef octavation doesn't mean that the
octavation is optional (that is, it doesn't mean "you may choose to play
it in this octave or another, whatever pleases you most"). I suppose
that a parenthesized clef octavation means that it's just a reminder, or
that the octavation number is editorial.
I used them in my pieces before in exactly the way you describe above.
For a flute, I used \clef "G^(8)"
Well, this is not correct – "I would have used \clef "G^(8) if it were available".
I had to use

\override Staff.OctavateEight #'stencil =
#(lambda (grob)
(grob-interpret-markup grob
(markup #:concat ("(" #:general-align Y DOWN #:stencil
(ly:text-interface::print grob) ")"))))

to indicate that the player may play it one
octave above (preferred in combination with concert flute) or as written
(when played with recorder).

So for me it is definitely an option, not a reminder.



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