Am 22.12.2013 10:29, schrieb Trevor Daniels:

Urs, you wrote Sunday, December 22, 2013 8:55 AM
Subject: CG organization (Git)

I'm somewhat confused about the organization of the CG chapters about
Git and patch review.

The CG has never been properly revised and reorganised, with
many sections added without considering the effect on others.
This was a deliberate policy to permit the easier addition of
material, so ensuring it was at least captured in the manual.  Maybe
it's now time (during release 19) to begin this revision.  In the
meantime, follow the present policy and dump your offering in
whichever place seems easiest or most appropriate to you.


OK, I'll do so.
But I'm still more confused because this contradicts

>> After a good deal of thinking, here's how i think CG should be
>> structured.
> More thinking and discussion than we had the previous 4 times we
> reorganized the CG?
from a week ago.


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