On 4/13/2015 4:29 PM, Masamichi HOSODA wrote:
I am using an equivalent way on the build system
   make LDFLAGS="$(python-config --libs)"

Thank you.
When GUB builds cygwin and mingw lilypond,
it seems to be using a similar way.

However, when GUB builds linux lilypond etc., the option is not used.
It is not cleary for me that why the option is not required for linux etc.

TMP and TEMP are windows specific system variables,
but on my system are just re-defined as

Yes. You are right.

lilypond-2.18.2's ``input/regression/midi/GNUmakefile'' (without my patch)
uses TMP as a temporary variable.
Therefore, it is set like following value the GNUmakefile.

TMP=key-initial.ly key-option-all-staves.ly key-option.ly lyrics-addlyrics.ly 
partcombine.ly quantize-duration-2.ly quantize-duration.ly quantize-start.ly 
rest-dynamic.ly rest.ly staff-map-instrument.ly staff-map-voice.ly voice-2.ly 
voice-4.ly voice-5.ly

Then, pnmtopng fails with the error such as the following.

pnmtopng: Unable to create temporary file according to name pattern 
'key-initial.ly key-option-all-staves.ly key-option.ly lyrics-addlyrics.ly 
partcombine.ly quantize-duration-2.ly quantize-duration.ly quantize-start.ly 
rest-dynamic.ly rest.ly staff-map-instrument.ly staff-map-voice.ly voice-2.ly 
voice-4.ly voice-5.ly/pnmtopng_XXXXXX'.  mkstemp() failed with errno 2 (No such 
file or directory)

My patch changes variable name from TMP to other name.

It seems effective.
64 bit "make doc" on 2.19.18 was completed.
on 32 bit I have still issue but much later for a different issue.

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