Am 19.07.2015 um 07:26 schrieb Werner LEMBERG:
> As a preliminary I want to mention that in general I can imagine that
> we separate the top-level entry page of from the texinfo
> system.  Somewhere we could have a `doc' subdirectory, and from there
> on everything is generated with texinfo as usual.

That's what I would suggest. And you seem to see what Federico is after.
Unfortunately many of your other comments adhere to that, expressing
dissent where there shouldn't be any.

>> I understand that having to learn two input languages is not
>> optimal, but I don't think that it's a big problem.
> It is a big problem.  Coherency of *all* documentation formats
> containing exactly the same data is one of the most important goals

Yes, but that goes only for the manuals.

>> On the other hand I think that it's safe to assume that few people
>> out there know texinfo and many more know markdown or HTML. If we
>> care for contributors...
> Well, replacing texinfo with markdown *may* be possible, using pandoc
> as the engine to generate PDF and info.  However, who is going to
> transform all of our data?  Who is going to set up the build system?
> Etc., etc.

The actual content of the website is not very much. It wouldn't even
really hurt to rewrite that from scratch (although this is of course far
from desirable).

>>> What "tool for the website" will be maintaining literally thousands
>>> of LilyPond code examples and the resulting images?  And if we have
>>> people motivated to contribute to web-only documentation, what is
>>> supposed to happen to the PDF manuals and the Info manuals?
>> I don't see any value in having the website in PDF or Info format
> Ouch.  I almost exclusively look at the info page, and sometimes at
> the PDF, but hardly at the HTML pages.

So you go to LilyPond -> Manuals -> Web and open Web.pdf - to find
*what* in it?

Seriously, I don't think there's significant need for that document.
Actually I can't imagine experienced users or developers use anything in
that except for navigating to the downloads or the manuals.

>> Who is going to fix all the issues related to website generation and
>> translation?  Who is going to spend work on trying to understand
>> something extremely complex which can be useful only within the
>> LilyPond project?  I would not be optimistic...
> But fixing those issues, if there is a *pressing need*, will be much,
> much simpler than converting everything to a new documentation system!
> Right now, it simply works.

No, it doesn't simply work. There are many things about the website
contents and even structure that should be discussed and improved. And
the current state makes this quite improbable to happen. Working on the
website is unnecessarily hard and off-putting because it is too much
tied to the whole documentation system.

>> I tried a very small contribution such as updating the screenshots of
>> Denemo and Frescobaldi, but I was stuck and no one else did this
>> apparently simple job:
> Ah, I wasn't aware at all that there is another bug tracker for the
> web page.  This is unfortunate.  Please use the main bug tracker!

This isn't a bug tracker for the website but an extra repository.
Changing anything regarding media files on the website (I'm not sure
about documentation right now) requires updating this repository, and
therefore those who have push access to that repository have to take
care of any contributions there.


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