Benkő Pál wrote Friday, August 28, 2015 8:01 PM

>> The migration of the tracker from GC to Allura at SF has gone well.  
>> Attachments are present and searches work (in the Allura style, which takes 
>> some getting used to, but is pretty comprehensive.)  I've set up some common 
>> searches to make things easier.  You can view it here to inspect and play 
>> with no need to register or log on:
> I've taken a look and mostly like it.

Thanks! :)

>  my only (not too big) problem
> is that writing "comment 38" created back-links in Google Code, but in
> Allura both the link and the comment number is missing.  can it be
> configured somehow to at least number the comments?

The lack of comment numbers is due a a different design:

In GC the comments were strictly linear in time, so a
monotonically increasing comment serial number made sense.

In Allura, comments can be threaded (you can reply to an earlier
comment) and so a monotonically increasing serial number isn't
well-defined, but due to threading, back refs within an issue are
not needed so often.
There is a link field available in every comment to cut and 
paste in order to refer to it from elsewhere, including other
issues, when threading doesn't meet the need.

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