Thanks Trevor
File Documentation/contributor/issues.itexi (left):
Documentation/contributor/issues.itexi:121: Configure your email client:
On 2016/03/19 16:50:08, Trevor Daniels wrote:
I think we need to keep this item and the following @enumerate.
Otherwise the
following sub-items don't make sense.

Yes I see. I took some more time to look over this subsection and have
re-organized it slightly so that it 'flows' more logically, I also
noticed that we ask the bu-squadee to send his request for Allura to
lilypond-dev but actually that would mean they would need to also
subscribe to that mail list to be allowed to send emails. As this is not
a requirement for bug Squad work, I changed this to 'send your SF user
name to bug-lilypond instead - although that would mean you (or Phil)
would need to be on that list. I have assumed you both are, but if you
want to put this back (and require that they subscribe to dev as well)
let me know.
File Documentation/contributor/issues.itexi (right):
Documentation/contributor/issues.itexi:105: permissions to create and
edit tracker issues.
On 2016/03/19 16:50:08, Trevor Daniels wrote:
It's not the email address we need but the SourgeForge Username.

Done - with a minor addition.

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