On 2016/08/06 11:15:35, ht wrote:
Do you mean the 'finish_queued_spans' function?  Isn't it the case
'this->depart_queue_.spans_' is empty when 'this->process_music' gets
called the
first time, so 'finish_queued_spans' would report a programming error
if it
actually got called (so volume must still be -1 when reaching line 411
in this
case)?  (Even if I'm wrong with this reasoning, I think the question
of whether
the default volume lookup at lines 388-389 and 412 should always work
the same
way, and if not, why, remains valid.)

I'm not sure how to say this without sounding rude—I want to remain on
good terms—but what do you think of satisfying your curiosity by trying
it yourself?  There are things I would rather do than rewrite this
section of working code.  My goal was to initialize the dynamic to "mf"
and I did that.

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