On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 6:27 PM, Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu> wrote:
> I haven't pulled out all the fonts yet to see how big they are, but I'm
> uncomfortable with referencing a blob in a given commit on the repo.

I think the largest one was about 101KB. So perhaps 1.5MB for all 12 of them.

> I'd be happier if it were referencing a blob in master.
> If it's not too big, I'd be even happier if we could just do a shallow
> clone of the git repo, so the command would never need to change.

Agreed. But I know too little about this issue to help with that.
Is it these EXACT files that are needed? Do newer versions cause problems?

> And we would used git to manage the download, which is what we were
> using previously.

Until the files are part of the repositories already being cloned,
they have to come from somewhere else, I expect.
If there's a git command to download
"just these 12 files, not the whole font repository"
then that could be the way to go. But wget is pretty standard on Linux, right?

> somehow this patch needs to be coordinated with Federico,
> rather than using the standard LilyPond patch sequence.

That's what I gathered, too. I assumed Federico follows this list. The
discussion had
stopped with the question of how to instruct new developers to get the fonts,
and I debated whether to continue it here,
or on the Sourceforge or Rietveld issues.

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