Hello Alex,

you don't have to apologize for this question! It comes up every now and
then, but has not been answered satisfyingly yet. My answers to your
questions are:
1. Yes
2. I wrote a rudimentary engraver-based solution last year which is
waiting for clean-up and completion to support MEI, MusicXML, Humdrum,
LilyPond (!) and any other format for which an export-module with a
defined API exists.

The code in the project is able to export a MusicXML-File for a simple
lilypond-score. The resulting files are not always correct/functional so
this is more sketch of the idea. The base is an engraver that fetches
and collects events and on score-finalization calls the specified export
module with this (normalized) music collection.
The collection is some scheme-structure, but should probably be better a
normal LilyPond music-expression.

Just a little piece of something ;-)

Am 16.10.2018 um 06:49 schrieb Alex Roitman:
> Hello,
> I apologize in advance if this was already asked and answered on this list.  
> I’m looking into exporting some of my lilypond music into the MusicXML 
> format. All I could find so far was the python-ly package that attempts to 
> translate ly files into MusicXML.  It has some issues that could be fixed, 
> and some that I don’t think could be so easily fixed, e.g. whether or not to 
> place accidentals, beams, and so on.
> It seems to me that the nature of the MusicXML format is such that in can 
> only be correctly written when the music is interpreted in context.  Which is 
> what lilypond does.  So I’m guessing that the right way to go about this is 
> to create a new Translator, alongside Performer and Engraver, that instead of 
> midi/graphical objects just dumps XML.
> Finally, here are my questions:
> 1. Does this seem like a right approach?
> 2. Was this ever attempted and is there any work left that one can continue?
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> Alex
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