On 7/8/2019 8:30 AM, Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
I’ve also been reading about osxcross, which looks like it *might* do 64-bit 
builds now, though I can’t be sure from the available info.

"Please ensure you have read and understood the Xcode license terms before continuing."

Anything that says "Download XCode, dissect like so, copy this one piece to your Linux system somewhere..." is likely a violation of Apple's XCode Software License Agreement.

UNLESS the Linux is running in a Virtual Machine on Apple hardware.

Which MacStadium apparently can provide, with Mac Mini rental computers. (aka "in the cloud.")

If this effort was completed, it sounds to me like non-Mac builds could continue as normal. Then MacStadium gets used to produce the Mac builds. Automation would be possible, with Travis or Cirrus. (About which I know nothing but the names.)

My question here is, will this arrangement be satisfactory for the people running the LilyPond build system? Phil Holmes? Anyone?

If not satisfactory, what would you like to see instead?
Karlin High
Missouri, USA

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