
Thanks. CG chapter 2 starts off by saying that LilyDev has everything I should 
need, but then only mentions how to install it under VirtualBox (which I don't 
know at all) in Windows or MacOS. I'm a Linux newbie and haven't used Unix 
since about 2000 (on a Sun box), so it's all a bit of a learning curve.

Should I be looking at lily-git instead? I'm not an experienced git user, and  
it's beginning to look as if a minor change to three text files is going to end 
up with me being swamped in new software :)

Best regards,


Saturday, January 4, 2020, 12:10:23 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:

> Am Sa., 4. Jan. 2020 um 12:09 Uhr schrieb Peter
> Toye <>:

>> Yes, I'm on Windows, but have just resurrected an old laptop and have 
>> managed to get a Linux (antiX) system on it. And there's a spare partition 
>> to install LilyDev. I'll download it today.

> Well, if you have a LINUX-machine, you may consider not to install
> LilyDev at all, i.e. clone the git-repo directly.

> LilyDev is meant to be used by windows users in a VirtualBox on their
> windows-system.
> It comes along with some other preinstalled things you will want.

> If you don't use LilyDev you'll need to get those stuff yourself.
> Otoh, going for LilyDev has it's own hassles.

> Your decision.

> Speaking only for me, I started with LilyDev,
> although being on LINUX.
> After some time I switched to my host-system for any LilyPond-work.

> Though I kept all old and outdated LilyDevs, to keep the possibility
> to compile checkouts of old patches for research-purposes.
> Using old versions of gcc, ghostscript etc
> I doubt you'll need that.

> Cheers,
>   Harm

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