Saturday, January 4, 2020, 6:46:56 PM, you wrote:

> Am Sa., 4. Jan. 2020 um 16:44 Uhr schrieb Peter
> Toye <>:

> Well, coding new functionality is only one possibility.

...and debugging someone else's code is even worse. Especially in a language I 
dn't speak fluently.
But I'm really not familiar in any detail with the whole patching process, 
whether or not I use git directly or via LilyDev and/or lily-git and/or git-cl 
(the relationship between these components is a bit pobscure to me). And even 
when I've worked out exactly what text/code needs to go where, there's the 
business of submitting it. CG section 3 says at the head "Send patch files to 
the appropriate place:". But I don't have an official mentor (How does one get 
one? Ask for one here?), nor am I an "experienced developer" in any way. I 
imagine you are.

Also, I'm a Linux newbie - still trying to get my head around the whole 
'container' concept. There seem to be a number of different container 
management systems: Docker and LXC to name but two. Does it matter which one I 
use? My system is systemd-free (on purpose), and the instructions you pointed 
out to me earlier imply that I should have it. Is this a show-stopper?

> Sometimes there are typos/grammar/syntax to correct.

That's slightly more my line.

> Furthermore, our documentation always needs people working on it.
> Not being a native speaker I often hesitate
> doing so myself and if I
> try, it's a major task for me...

You could have kidded me - I think your English is at least as good as mine.

> Cheers,
>   Harm
Best regards,


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