Am Mo., 13. Jan. 2020 um 22:00 Uhr schrieb Urs Liska <>:
> Am Montag, den 13.01.2020, 15:42 -0500 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
> > Hello future Salzburg-ers!
> >
> > Knowing the way my life works, and the fact that I’ll be in Salzburg
> > for four days without the normal distractions (family, etc.), and at
> > hand will be a rather wonderful collection of brains and facilities…
> > Is there any way that someone (Urs? Harm? David N?) could run a
> > relatively short (90'?) "Intro to Scheme-ing In Lilypond" bootcamp?
> Hm, and when? Right now I can't see a slot for something like that. The
> problem *I* see with these four days is basically the programme forcing
> too many decisions what to attend and what to miss already ...
> Best
> Urs
> > Nothing too formal: just a stream-of-consciousness “Hello World”
> > tutoring for those of us who want to get into Scheme-ing, but real
> > life seems to always get in the way?
> >
> > I’d be happy to pay a little something — in currency hard (€) or soft
> > (suds/grapes) — for the time & expertise.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Kieren.

Hi Kieren,

my talk would be probably of some interest for you. From the description:
"This talk discusses the prerequisites needed to write LilyPond
extensions. A detailed, commented code example
will be used to demonstrate how to retrieve details of LilyPond’s
internals, how to modify them as necessary for
the task at hand, and how to overcome obstacles, if possible. Finally,
some thoughts will be shared on how to
improve and simplify the coding of extensions in general. Languages:
German and English."

Alas, it will be in german, so I can't imagine how helpful it would be for you.
Werner will likely upload the (german) script. And probably I could be
persuaded to make an english version as well, although this would take
some time.
Though, I don't trust my spoken english enough to do the talk in english.
This would hold for your "bootcamp" as well.

Apart from the problem finding a slot for it, as Urs already
mentioned, such a meeting would be a great place for it. Maybe we can
arrange something more or less ad hoc once we meet there.

Generally I'd be interested where you think the obstacles guile <->
LilyPond are.
I frequently fail to really understand it.
You may have noticed
where Daniel replies to my question.
The main point could probably summarized as "confusing doc"

Where do _you_ think are the problems?


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