Hi Harm,

> my talk would be probably of some interest for you.

It absolutely is.  =)

> Alas, it will be in german, so I can't imagine how helpful it would be for 
> you.

Ja, es ist so lange her, dass ich Deutsch gesprochen habe, dass ich fast alles 
vergessen habe!! Doch ich werde da sein.

> Apart from the problem finding a slot for it, as Urs already
> mentioned, such a meeting would be a great place for it. Maybe we can
> arrange something more or less ad hoc once we meet there.

Looking forward to whatever I can soak up during the conference.

Danke schön!


> I'd be interested where you think the obstacles guile <-> LilyPond
> […] Where do _you_ think are the problems?

To be honest, the biggest obstacle for me is simply being able to put the time 
in. The initial learning curve — the combination of Scheme syntax and even the 
"Hello World" handful of must-use functions to manipulate Lilypond grobs — 
seems daunting enough that I haven’t prioritized diving in. I’m quite sure I’d 
be able to answer your question better after getting past the starting line and 
hitting actual technical/understanding roadblocks.

Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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