> On 9 Feb 2020, at 15:09, Graham King <lilyp...@tremagi.org.uk> wrote:
> From a speed-reading of Gould, it appears that she uses the verb "alter" and 
> the adjective "altered", but _not_ the noun "alteration" in this context.
> It is worth noting that "alteration" has a very specific and well-established 
> meaning in early music.  This meaning has nothing whatsoever to do with 
> pitch.  I've, ahem, altered that Wikipedia disambiguation page accordingly.
> The original section header in the LM seemed fine to me, but if it needs to 
> change, how about "Note names and use of accidentals" ?  It seems to me that 
> a user wanting to use the document to figure out how to specify an 
> accidental, is quite likely to search for that word.

In the Harvard Concise: Accidentals are symbols used to indicated pitch 
alterations. There are altered chords and rhythm alterations in early music.

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