
Please keep the list in copy so everyone can participate and learn from the answers.

Le 16/08/2022 à 12:03, Ian West a écrit :
Dear Jean,
        Thank you for replying.

        I got your address from the Gitlab website, describing you as 
“Factotum” . I thought that role best suited my questions.

I guess you mean the LilyPond website, the place where I'm mentioned as "factotum" is here: https://lilypond.org/authors.html

Anyway, I see now. For support questions, it is actually better to post on the lilypond-user mailing list, which is specifically dedicated to that. See https://lilypond.org/contact.html. Let's keep this one on lilypond-devel, but try posting to lilypond-user next time.

        I also thought the MacBook was doing me “the favour” of using the wrong 
apostrophe, which is why I copied and pasted. But I am not using an Apple text 
editor; I type straight into Lilypond. Apple keyboard certainly. I can look up ASCII 
codes I am sure; I did it 30 years ago in the early days. Anyway, thanks for tips 
like -> ‘<-, and where to change straight to smart quotes.

What's important to understand is that job the core program
“LilyPond” is only to convert an input file to an output file.
For macOS, we used to ship a minimalistic application with
a very simplistic text editor. I assume this is what you are
using. I *strongly* recommend to use something else. Try
Frescobaldi, really. I was reluctant to try it during the first two
years I used LilyPond. When I did try it, it was a relief and I
blamed myself for not doing that earlier.

Again, the tutorial I linked in my previous email has complete
instructions on how to set up LilyPond 2.23 with Frescobaldi
on macOS 64-bit.

Normally, Frescobaldi won't have problems with curly apostrophes
(at least I don't recall anyone had that problem with Frescobaldi).


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