I reset my laptop to abolish 'smart quotes' . Successful. But there must be 
other subtleties that are frustrating me. Perhaps if I type the text with 
textedit, then copy and paste to feed it to Ly. Or just change the suffix from 
.txt to .ly?

It has proved impossible to find a manual for version 2.20.0. What is it that I 
am doing wrong? I am inclined to think that, if Google cannot find it, then it 
does not exist. I do not know which would be better: use 2.18.x or 2.22.x?

Ian West

> On 16 Aug 2022, at 11:08, Ian West <ian42w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Hans, and Jean.
> I shall try and learn up those tricks. 
> Ian
> ==========
>> On 15 Aug 2022, at 17:01, Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> wrote:
>>> On 15 Aug 2022, at 17:57, Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
>>> Also, when you enter the apostrophe from the keyboard, is it really
>>> a straight apostrophe  ->   '   <-  or could it be that macOS does
>>> you the “favor” to replace it with a curly apostrophe ->    ’ <- ?
>>> LilyPond expects straight apostrophes. If this is the problem, you need
>>> to fix your macOS settings somewhere to prevent those “smart quotes”.
>> One can turn those off at System Preferences → Keyboard → Text → Use smart 
>> quotes and dashes. Those are reachable at least from the keyboard map I am 
>> using, so I decided to type them by hand at need.
>> Also, one can add custom text replacements, which I use for example for the 
>> arrows above.

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