On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 14:14, Joerg Anders wrote:
> Still one question to clarify wthether I comprehended ...
> > 
> > notes1 segno-segno notes2 segno notes3 coda-coda notes4 coda notes5
> > "D.S. al codaI"
> > codaI: notesA "D.S.S. al codaII"
> > codaII: notesB \bar "|."
> > 
> ... this right:
> Is the sequence:
>    notes1  segno notes2 fine notes3 dal segno al coda    coda notes4
> is the same as
>   notes1 notes2 notes3 notes2 notes4

yes, except that it would not be written as "fine" after notes2 -- there
would be a coda symbol.

> Thank you for the quick answer.

no problem.

I have a very strange feeling about this...
                -- Luke Skywalker

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