could you glance at this and see what it does??

On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 19:58, François Pinard wrote:
> [Aaron]
> > What is pymacs??
> A tool which allows Emacs to be scripted in Python, not only in Lisp.
> > Is there a way to do the same thing to vim??
> I heard that `vim' may be compiled with Python support for scripting.
> However, I do not know what it looks like, nor the possibilities of it.  You
> are the one to tell me more about it! :-)
> > I am making lilypond.vim and would like the abiliy to audition a measure
> > or single notes at a time.  Ideally I would like a way to type and a and
> > have it heard via midi, can this happen.
> It would be interesting to see if `vim' supports full-fledged Python, and if
> yes, if there is a writing style to be used such that a single extension
> could be written to support both Emacs and `vim' at once.  If it happens to
> be the case for this little `lilypond.py' tool, I would make an illustrative
> example within the Pymacs distribution, which already holds three of them.
> But I'm not a `vim' user myself.  So, by any chance, would you be interested
> to explore the scripting capabilites of `vim', in view of this?

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