On 31 Jul 2003 21:18:59 -0400
Francois wrote:

> Would someone have some experience about these two?  Does Jack run on top
> of ALSA, or OSS, or something else?  What generality are we seeking here?
> Is it theoretical?  I mean, what would be the practical advantages of
> using Jack over ALSA?

jMax is probably of no interest here (other than it speaks MIDI and one can program 
some algo processes and send them to rumor, for instance, to generate the score or 
generate .ly file altogether).

Another example of the same paradigm (and a little less fussy) is pure-data: 

Jack is an audio layer, on top of ALSA, for real time audio applications.  It offers 
low latency in real-time audio and allows multiple applications (jack clients) to 
operate at the same time and even send each other audio.  But it is  audio only, no 
MIDI functionnality whatsoever.  Think ReWire (if you ever used Windose) but probably 
better (I never used ReWire).

What is interesting (if one tries to bring the discussion on topic) is that fluid 
synth (formerly known as iiwu synth) which is mainly used to play soundfonts (as 
timidity does, among other things) is jack-aware.  So, one could send the output of 
fluid synth to a multitrack (ecasound, ardour etc) and record it for further 
processing or simply send it through various effects (jackrack, freqtweak, 
ecamegapedal and other jackified apps).

It would be nice, however, to have lily generate MIDI "intelligently" so that the 
playback would be real nice, following markup, dynamics and such.  Anyone familiar 
with Igor Engraver (www.noteheads.com).  Their MIDI playback is really superior to any 
notation sw I've ever tried (but some other aspects lack substance).

I do like the ideas about emacs in this  thread.  I'm not a developer, but how about 
considering to use an existing sequencing library, like http://tse3.sourceforge.net/, 
rather than writing, from scratch, something that will communicate with ALSA 
sequencer...  But I don't know, perhaps I'm just talking nonsense.  And I haven't yet 
tried the existing implementation but it might be nice to allow the user to choose 
between using an external MIDI device or _any_ soft synth.  But I'm sure someone has 
already thought about it...

-- ./MiS
      __  __ (_)___   Michal Seta
     /  \/  \ _/^ _|
    /        V |_  \ @creazone.32k.org

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